What’s New Sybiz Visipay 25.00

Important Information
Minimum supported version of Microsoft SQL Server
The minimum supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server for Sybiz Vision 25 is 2017 (the same as the previous two versions). These compatibility levels are enforced with a message displaying on upgrade to version 23.00+ if the user’s minimum requirements fall outside of this scope prior to the database being upgraded.
We recommend that anyone upgrading their Microsoft SQL Server upgrades to the latest version available at the time, rather than to the minimum supported version, for not only greater longevity but also better performance capabilities.

Web API requires upgrading
Web API requires upgrading to the latest version (3.00) when upgrading Sybiz Vision 24.99 due to new security restrictions in place and other technology updates.
Operating system compatibility
Certain older operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP, some versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Server 2003), Microsoft SQL Server (2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2016), and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 are not compatible with Sybiz 24.99 — if uncertain consult your Authorised Business Partner prior to upgrading. Microsoft Windows 11 is supported for Sybiz 24.99 with compatibility extending to some other later versions of Sybiz solutions.
New Features
Better performance in Sybiz Visipay 25
Significant re-engineering has been undertaken in Version 25.00 to introduce a 64-bit version of Sybiz Visipay. This enables the payroll software to utilise more available memory providing a more robust and quicker performance with large data and complex batch calculations. Users who are already running a modern version of Sybiz Vision can expect a seamless transition to the newest version of Visipay.
Stronger estimation of future leave balances
When an employee applies for leave, there is an additional field to make it easier for the employee to understand their estimated leave balance when they have applied for leave far into the future. (CR2404-3557)
Mobile app upgrades
In the ESS mobile app, the leave types displayed are filtered to only what is relevant to staff type. (CR2408-3964)
Added support when creating or connecting to an SQL server to support encryption options. The default settings have not changed. (CR2405-3573)
Working with a large number of documents or a high volume of data will no longer trigger an out of memory issue. (CR2407-3898)
STP2 Reconciliation report will only show active employees who were paid within the financial year. (CR2406-3792)
The STP2 Reconciliation report can be used in report sets. (CR2406-3769)
Fixes & Improvements
- When linking to a Windows user in a large domain with more than 1,000 records, more entries will be presented. (CR2406-3729)
- When running or designing custom reports, you will no longer be prompted to save changes at unexpected times. (CR2405-3591)
- The payment summary now outputs the expected income type for Working Holiday Makers. (CR 2405-3679)
- New tax rates and STSL for fiscal year 2024-25 have been updated. (CR2402-3070)
- When processing a pay and adding an earning, Visipay will no longer encounter an exception when navigating from a fixed leave payment type earning to a non-fixed leave payment type earning. (CR 2407-3811)
- The Payment Summary Reconciliation report will now include employees that are salary sacrifice only. (CR2407-3814)
- Numerous other improvements included in the release: CR2407-3894, CR2407-3826, CR2406-3793.