Creating new opportunities with Sybiz Vision

One of our customers, a dedicated Sybiz Vision user for over 9 years, recently made the upgrade to the latest version of Sybiz Vision. During implementation, the Business Partner looked at several areas of the customer’s operations that could be made vastly more efficient through functionality introduced in this latest version.
One such area was how the customer handled Debtor accounts, previously managed through a custom report set called Debtors Balance Listing Report. While it provided all the information Project Managers and accounts staff needed, they were required to print this report daily. Often reaching 40 pages in length, this was obviously a significant use of resources and required manual editing to stay up to date throughout the day.
By asking about the customer's desired goals, rather than simply trying to replicate their old processes, the Business Partner was able to suggest alternatives to achieve these goals easier and more efficiently. The customer now uses the powerful Analytics functionality in the new Sybiz Vision to analyse Debtor accounts, displaying invoice totals, payments, balance due, associated job task and any draft invoices all from one screen, without the need to print any documents.

The customer is also able to manipulate this analytic to drill down into the information they need, and see it update in real time as the account information changes. Analytics are fully customisable, collating data from anywhere in Sybiz Vision and displaying it in an intuitive visual format. By adding and removing custom fields, saving and sharing analytics, choosing to narrow in on specific periods and more, the Analytics functionality can allow for incredibly detailed analysis, instantly.
Not only has this saved the customer a considerable amount of resources in printing, it saves a considerable amount of time tracking down and analysing data from printed reports as well. The customer still uses reporting for other areas of day to day operation, however with the custom views functionality, all the necessary data is visible directly from Sybiz Vision without the need to generate a report every time.
Sybiz's unique approach to providing valuable business solutions is helping customers all around the globe gain flexible business insight and reduce inefficiencies. With so much more new functionality available in the latest version of Sybiz Vision, now is the time to discover how Sybiz products can change the way you think about your business.