An easier way to manage SuperStream contributions
Equip your business with a certified SuperStream solution
Australian businesses are required to submit employee superannuation contributions electronically. From the initial launch of SuperStream, Sybiz has offered businesses across Australia efficient and user-friendly SuperStream capability through our payroll solution. Our Gold Level SuperStream solution has been officially recognised and accredited by the Australian Tax Office.
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What is SybizSuper?
SybizSuper is a SuperStream compliant service allowing businesses to submit superannuation data from their Sybiz Visipay payroll solution to employees' existing superannuation funds.
Superannuation data processed through your Sybiz Visipay solution can be uploaded to the Sybiz Employer Portal, allowing you to make SuperStream compliant submissions through a secure, automated online portal.

Unlock more capability with the Sybiz Employer Portal
SybizSuper and Single Touch Payroll capability are available through a dedicated website - the Sybiz Employer Portal.
More than a simple interface, the Sybiz Employer Portal is a intelligent, user-focused resource designed to help you manage your reporting obligations efficiently and securely.
Just some of the advantages of the Sybiz Employer Portal include:
- Multi-factor authentication
- Additional data validation tools
- Fast, automated processing
Is your SuperStream solution telling the whole story?
Not all SuperStream solutions are made equal.
For example, some superannuation clearing houses may manually rekey your submitted data for each super fund instead of using a secure automated system. Others may not provide a data validation mechanism, leading to situations where super funds may reject an entire submission because of a single error!
Sybiz Visipay is a powerful, scalable payroll solution that is already helping thousands of Australians navigate the challenges of SuperStream. Integrated with the Sybiz Employer Portal, users can view, manage and edit their SuperStream data to ensure success every pay run.
Not using Sybiz Visipay? Speak to our knowledgeable team today.

Success story
Western Irrigation
Western Irrigation knew they needed a modern ERP solution to keep their operations powering forward. And referrals from industry peers convinced them Sybiz Vision was the right choice.