What’s New Sybiz Visipay 24.10
Important Information
Sybiz Visipay 24.10
Australian national public holidays refreshed and new entries created until 2030, it would be beneficial to review upon upgrade (CR2402-3133)
STP2 for child support requires new deduction types
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) reporting for child support deductions and child support garnishees is now supported and requires new deduction types to be assigned for use. These can be configured in Lookups > Payroll > Deductions. (CR2205-0670)
First names no longer required for STP2
Requirements in employee maintenance have changed to reflect support for employees with a single name only which can be input in the last name field. First names are no longer a required field. (CR210345588)
TFN Declaration Export removed
Due to the capability of STP2, the TFN Declaration Export functionality is no longer required and has been removed from Sybiz Visipay 24.00 onwards. (CR2305-2172)
ESS access restricted
Access to ESS is becoming even more secure, with access now restricted to limited user accounts in Sybiz Visipay. This will enable companies to choose specifically who accesses ESS functionality, such as allowing only specific users to login to Sybiz mobile apps or managing other third-party access. By default, existing users will be set to desktop and mobile however, Administrators will only be able to be set to desktop only.
ESS requires upgrading
ESS requires upgrading to the latest version when upgrading to Sybiz Visipay 24.00 due to new security restrictions in place and other technology updates.
Minimum supported version of Microsoft SQL Server
The minimum supported version of Microsoft SQL Server for Sybiz Visipay 24.00 is 2017. These compatibility levels are enforced with a message displaying on upgrade from versions older than 23.00 if the user’s minimum requirements fall outside of this scope prior to the database being upgraded.
We recommend that anyone upgrading their Microsoft SQL Server upgrades to the latest version available at the time, rather than to the minimum supported version, for not only greater longevity but also better performance capabilities.

Operating system compatibility
Certain older operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP, some versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Server 2003), Microsoft SQL Server (2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2016), and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 are not compatible with Sybiz 24.00 - if uncertain consult your Authorised Business Partner prior to upgrading. Microsoft Windows 11 is supported for Sybiz 22+ with compatibility extending to some other later versions of Sybiz solutions.
DevExpress upgrade
Version 24.00 of Sybiz Visipay utilises DevExpress version
New Features
Child support reporting enabled for STP2
The optional child support reporting through Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) has now been enabled in Sybiz Visipay 24.00. This new function allows employers to report child support garnishees and deductions directly via STP2 in Sybiz Visipay instead of providing separate reporting to the Child Support Registrar, saving time and effort. This function requires new deduction types to be assigned for use that can be configured in Lookups > Payroll > Deductions. Please note that Child Support deductions and garnishment amounts needs to be set up in line with specific advice from Services Australia. (CR2205-0670)

Add single name employees
To support a more diverse range of employees, Sybiz Visipay now allows the entry of single name employees with surname now being the only required name entry field. (CR210345588)
WebAPI access is even more secure
Access to WebAPI is becoming even more secure, with access now restricted to limited user accounts in Sybiz Visipay. This will enable companies to choose specifically who accesses WebAPI functionality, such as allowing only specific users to login to Sybiz mobile apps or managing other third-party access.
Employees can update their own payslip email address
As well as allowing employees the choice to have a separate email address to receive their payslips (for example, a personal email address), they are now able to update this address themselves via Sybiz Visipay Employee Self Service (ESS) desktop and via the Visipay ESS mobile app. The new email address still allows a separate email address for other communications via Sybiz Visipay, such as leave requests, approvals and logins. (CR2307-2436)

Clearer leave planning
To make planning and booking leave in advance an easier process, the order of leave requested and approved is now displayed in a chronological order in the web-based Employee Self Service (ESS) portal, matching the style in the Visipay ESS mobile app. (CR2308-2487)
Streamlining of Employee Income Statement STP event
Default selections on employee income statement final update events have been changed to help improve the outcomes of these less performed STP events. All employees will be selected on default to finalise the year and can be deselected as required. (CR2308-2464)
Import Leave Approval Groups
Adding to the already vast group of fields that are importable in Sybiz Visipay, the Leave Approval Group field is now able to be both exported and imported against employees. This will further benefit businesses who need to manage data changes across large numbers of employees. (CR2308-2518)
Kina Bank added to defaults for Papua New Guinea
Customers in Papua New Guinea now have the new Kina Bank included in the default lookup list to make paying employees with this bank easier. (CR2308-2530)
Fixes & Improvements
- A small number of improvements have been included in this release. (CR2402-3133,CR2401-3032)
- Numerous miscellaneous improvements have been included in this release.
- User rights have been adjusted to allow rolling of month and year in Sybiz Visipay without performing SQL backups. (CR2310-2704)
- Correction of spelling error in error message. (CR2304-1963)
- Editing a suburb of an employee no longer leads to a partial broken rule. (CR2305-2096)
- Web update now targets correct web update schema. (CR2305-2151)
- Visipay Platform login now operates as expected on login. (CR2305-2154)
- ETPs with tax withheld of non whole dollar amounts are no longer allowed. (CR2307-2358)
- Setting a new password via ESS no longer enforces constraints that are not already active. (CR2307-2405)
- ABN with spaces against Company now formats as expected in reporting. (CR2308-2491)
- Import of employees now allows selection of newly added Pay Location. (CR2308-2501)
- When importing Employee Data, the Reports To field is no longer cleared if missing in the file. (CR2308-2504)
- The start date for a pay run that commences prior to the start of the new financial year is now reflected as is, rather than as the first day of the financial year. (CR2308-2547)
- Importing an invalid Superannuation employee file no longer leads to unexpected error. (CR2309-2607)
- Having a leave title/description with a trailing space no longer results in ESS application crashing. (CR2310-2745)
- Numerous other minor improvements have been included in this release: CR2308-2464, CR2308-2487, CR2308-2518, CR2308-2530, CR2310-2704, CR2305-2096, CR2305-2151, CR2305-2154, CR2307-2358, CR2307-2405, CR2308-2491, CR2308-2501, CR2308-2504, CR2308-2547, CR2309-2607, CR2310-2745.