What’s New Sybiz Vision 25.00

Important Information
Minimum supported version of Microsoft SQL Server
The minimum supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server for Sybiz Vision 25 is 2017 (the same as the previous two versions). These compatibility levels are enforced with a message displaying on upgrade to version 23.00+ if the user’s minimum requirements fall outside of this scope prior to the database being upgraded.
We recommend that anyone upgrading their Microsoft SQL Server upgrades to the latest version available at the time, rather than to the minimum supported version, for not only greater longevity but also better performance capabilities.

Web API requires upgrading
Web API requires upgrading to the latest version (3.00) when upgrading Sybiz Vision 24.99 due to new security restrictions in place and other technology updates.
Operating system compatibility
Certain older operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP, some versions of Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Server 2003), Microsoft SQL Server (2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2016), and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 are not compatible with Sybiz 24.99 — if uncertain consult your Authorised Business Partner prior to upgrading. Microsoft Windows 11 is supported for Sybiz 24.99 with compatibility extending to some other later versions of Sybiz solutions.
New Features
Open items from dashboard
The standard dashboards now support opening the enquiry screen or transaction from the relevant grids. Custom dashboards can also be extended to support this additional behaviour. (CR2404-3558)

Keep your database tidy by removing old content
Archived customer statements can be removed from the system by using Cleanse Statements in the Debtors module. (CR2308-2478)
New Stock Journal transaction
A new Stock Journal transaction now allows for financial modification of stock that you currently have on hand. Examples include revaluing existing stock, adding landed costs after delivery, etc. (CR2404-3476)
Easier setup for posting systems
The posting system has been made easier to set up consistently with the requirement to pick a posting system per database, either periodic or accrual. The option selected will change the options presented and which accounts are mandatory when setting up product group, product location, job group, job cost centre, job stages and service group posting accounts. (CR2404-3486)

More control over suggested purchase orders
A temporary adjustment to the days to deliver in suggested purchase orders can now be made. (CR2404-3487)
Visualisation of sales price changes
A new chart is available from the product enquiry screen showing sales price changes over time. (CR2407-3863)

Vision mobile app upgrades
Service app enhancements
The Service app has received a number of upgrades, including the inclusion of alternate contact numbers in details area in addition to the main phone number (CR2408-3982), enhanced visibility of service item notes (CR2408-3932), and the ability to process purchase orders within the Service mobile app. (CR2407-3895)
The Jobs app can now handle jobs for customers who use a foreign currency. (CR2408-3925)
The Purchase app can now approve purchase requisitions featuring all line types. (CR2406-3797)
The application log will now record when a number of wizard processes are run, making it easier to identify what processes created or updated records. (CR2406-3737)
Changing the description of an assembly component will create a new version of the assembly. (CR2406-3722)
An assembly can be used in a manufacture return transaction irrespective of the “explodable on return” setting. This setting alters the behaviour of the assembly in a sales return or when used as a component of another assembly. (CR2406-3723)
Creating a new financial year now requires the user to confirm the intention. This will prevent the accidental creation of a new financial year (CR2405-3661)
Users can now open the enquiry screen of alternate products from the alternate products list in the product enquiry. (CR2402-3063)
Added support when creating or connecting to a SQL server to support encryption options. The default settings have not changed (CR2404-3559)
The meter reading enquiry screen has been improved with reference and description values for more transactions and the ability to open the transaction (CR2405-3563)
Customer and supplier trading names have been extended to 100 characters; standard reports are still designed to only work with 50 characters (CR2403-3407)
Deleting a newly created manufacture work order is easier and directly accessible from Manufacture Work Order grids (CR2404-3436)
Removing a line in Manufacture Work Order that was linked to a Sales Order will make the sales order reappear in Manufacture Sales Order grid so a separate Manufacture Work Order can be created (CR2404-3445)
Serial tracked items can be searched from all branch locations, regardless of sale location (CR2308-2459)
The customer and supplier offset enquiry screen has been changed to only show transactions that have been offset and are sorted by transaction date. Unallocated transactions are still visible from the financial enquiry (CR2312-2962)
The Transfer Order transaction now supports ordering a transfer from a location to a service request. (CR2406-3759)
Fixes & Improvements
- Include a refresh of tax code into the Update Customer/Supplier function: When using the Change Customer or Change Supplier button on a transaction, this will refresh and update all lines with a new tax code as expected. (CR2404-3520)
- Changes have been made to the calculation of standard costed items to a higher decimal precision (CR2406-3735)
- Users can now use Ctrl + C to copy individual cells from enquiry grids (CR2406-3739)
- Non-Current Assets account values are now included in the Long Term Asset calculation in the Financial Position Dashboard (CR2406-3740)
- Opening a cashbook from customer and supplier history enquiry screens has been restored (CR 2405-3685)
- Saving a stocktake with lot numbers will no longer create excessive lot number quantities if saved then processed without closing (CR2406-3694)
- The cost and charge columns on the Service Saved Transactions grid now display the expected values (CR2406-3695)
- The Quick Receipt email template is now fully functional. (CR2406-3707)
- The warning displayed when creating a new financial year works based on 5 years, instead of the previous 3. (CR2406-3717)
- The assembly report does not create duplicate components lists in the standard report. (CR2405-3665)
- Product location bin numbers have been standardised to not include an additional space when created by product maintenance dialog. (CR2405-3666)
- Selecting a large number of bin numbers within the Stocktake Wizard now behaves as expected. (CR2405-3668)
- When running or designing custom reports, you will not be prompted to save changes at unexpected times. (CR2405-3590)
- Sales orders that have assemblies that need manufacturing and have items that are manufactured on delivery will now only include those requiring assembly on a Manufacture Work Order. (CR2404-3347)
- Sales orders that have their assemblies full allocated will no longer appear for selection with the Manufacture Sales Order grid. (CR2404-3443)
- Converting a Vision Classic database will now read the job costing and service ledger defaults as expected. (CR2404-3540)
- Importing a depreciation book will return the correct percentage value on import preview. (CR2410-4064)
- Improvements have been made to Service Invoice emailing. (CR2409-4028)
- When processing and emailing an Advance Service, the correct email template will be used. (CR2408-3991)
- A breakpoint has been added for ServiceInvoice CellValueChanged. (CR2408-3985)
- Improvements have been made to transfer orders, including the ability to delete unused lines in the case of unavailable stock (CR2408-3936) and the ability to delete unused transactions. (CR2408-3935)
- Stocktake report now includes products that don't have a base unit of measure. (CR2407-3881)
- Software is now more responsive when importing and exporting data involving a large number of general ledger accounts (CR2407-3869)
- In negative stock situations, the unit cost now takes into account special price and previous application of landed costs when calculating an estimated cost. (CR2406-3803)
- The Deliveries and Returns tab on product enquiry will now display a Party Name. (CR2406-3758)
- Transaction documents can be directed to multiple recipients after an invoice has been processed. (CR2310-2728)
- Using the mass update wizard to change product posting methods no longer incorrectly errors if posting accounts are correctly configured (CR2408-3938)
- Numerous other improvements included in the release: CR2409-4014, CR2409-4009, CR2408-3986, CR2408-3972, CR2408-3940, CR2408-3937, CR2407-3902, CR2407-3885, CR2407-3875, CR2407-3830, CR2407-3823, CR2406-3802, CR2406-3801, CR2406-3782, CR2406-3761, CR2406-3736, CR2404-3443, CR2402-3088.