Trying to find the right CRM software can be a confusing process with seemingly endless options on the market. We all want the 'best' solution, but what is best for one business isn't always right for another.

As developers of ERP software for over 40 years, we've met with countless business owners and decision makers from a range of industries and business types. Often we are asked how our CRM solution stacks up against the competition; if we can tick all the same boxes - and more - we must be better, right?

Surprisingly, when it comes to finding the right software solution for your business, looking for the solution with the most features can actually lead you to the wrong decision.

What does CRM mean to you?

Customer relationship management (CRM) software aims to help business record, track and streamline customer service by storing information about your customers. Since this data is more easily available, a business is able to access information easily to personalise and improve customer service.

Of course, how each CRM solution achieves this can be wildly different. Some will be highly automated at the expense of capturing detail, while another could allow for more manual control and transparency. To some, no CRM solution is complete without advanced sales tracking while others might view this as optional.

Wanting more for less

Trying to pick the 'best' of any software package often comes down to two factors: functionality and price. You might opt for the one with limited functionality at the lowest price, or choose a larger, more expensive solution packed with functionality for the best value.

If we applied the same thought process to find the 'best' shoe size, you'll end up with the smallest size you can squeeze your foot into, or the largest size on offer. Either way, you're going to find yourself struggling to deal with something that is going to cause more problems than it solves.

Obviously, no shoe size is the 'best' except the one that feels comfortable on your feet. It should help you walk, sprint, and run with ease, providing good support and increasing your mobility.

And in the same way, the 'best' CRM software is the one that is responsive to your unique needs. One that helps you overcome your challenges, increases mobility and supports the people in your organisation.

CRM should be the answer, not the question

Like most people you might start researching the benefits of a CRM solution. All of which sound fantastic but won't necessarily ease your pain points. Some sales people are great at presenting functionality that looks and sounds great, but ultimately distracts from what you actually need.

To find out if you really need a CRM solution - and most importantly which is the best fit for your business - you should start by identifying what issues are making life difficult.

For example:
"I'm not able to track when staff have interacted with a customer or what was communicated.”

"I get a lot of documents sent to my organisation and it's difficult to keep track of which document belongs to which customer."

“I have to search through lots of useless data to find the sales leads that are most promising”

When your focus is on solving the problems you’re already facing, you can quickly determine whether a CRM provider is able to address and help you overcome these challenges - rather than being handed a list of features. We know this because it's how Sybiz starts every journey with our customers. We ask what your business is trying to achieve, then aim to deliver a solution that is uniquely tailored to help you reach your goals effectively.

If you'd like to know more about how Sybiz solutions can help your business, tell us what challenges you want to overcome.
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